Need a Mac with Apple silicon for just a few days? We got you! No commitment, no automatic renewal, available right after checkout.
Powered by Apple silicon.
Thanks to our bespoke hardware management modules, we offer a unique Mac Hosting experience - unmatched by the competition.
Your Mac is ready to go and will be assigned to your account within minutes after checkout. No waiting around for someone to manually provision the device for you.
Full control over your Mac. Reboot, power on, and Recovery Mode access are readily available on our Customer Panel. And yes, we support FileVault.
Security is important. Our managed firewall allows you to quickly apply filter rules for your Mac using our Customer Panel.
For the entire week, you will get access to a dedicated Mac mini just for you.
Our monthly plans allow you to pick the exact configuration you need, and can be cancelled at any time.
If your project has intricate requirements and necessitates a custom quote, or if you have inquiries about our services, our knowledgeable team is eager to connect with you.
Ensure your Mac in the cloud is secure by following these best practices. Learn how to keep your Mac secure by deploying these security measures on OakHost's cloud hosted Macs.
Learn about the benefits of Mac hosting vs. Mac owning in this comprehensive guide. Discover how hosted solutions can streamline your workflow, improve productivity, and reduce costs, and explore the...
At first glance, it may not be apparent why deploying Mac minis in a data center environment is such a difficult task. After all, there are readily available rack mounts...